Browsing: Bitget
Bitget Wallet and Bitget Token Integration: Enhancing User Experience and Application Possibilities The goal of Bitget wallet and Bitget token…
Bitget Wallet to Introduce Multi-Chain Gas Payments with BGB Token Bitget Wallet is gearing up to launch a new feature…
The recent surge in the trade price of the $BGB token has sparked a debate within the crypto community. Some…
Bitget’s native asset, BGB, has been making waves in the cryptocurrency market, with its market cap nearing $8 billion following…
Bitget, a popular cryptocurrency exchange, experienced a significant increase in Gen Z users in November, with a staggering 683% jump…
El Salvador’s Central Reserve Bank has recently granted Bitget a Bitcoin Service Provider (BSP) license, marking a significant milestone for…
Bitget crypto exchange has recently made headlines by securing regulatory approval from the central bank of El Salvador to provide…